
If you are a student who works hard toward academic success, you deserve to be recognized. 在CMU,我们将通过奖学金机会奖励您的努力. Merit-based scholarships are granted to qualified incoming undergraduate Fayette campus students based on the academic record, GPA和/或ACT.

Students must be enrolled full time (12 hours or more) to be eligible for CMU or institutional scholarships and grants.

Fayette  |  全州/在线 |  条件 |  Outside


新生: 对于国内和国际学生:基于成绩的奖学金从14美元起,000 to $6,000,基于累积GPA和/或ACT/SAT成绩.


奖学金 最低要求 年度奖
总统奖学金 3.9 GPA或29 ACT/1330 SAT $14,000
大学奖学金 3.5 GPA或27 ACT/1260 SAT $12,000
受托人的奖学金 3.GPA 0分或ACT 24分/ SAT 1160分 $10,000
校友奖学金 2.75 GPA或22 ACT/110 SAT $9,000
优秀学生奖学金 2.GPA 5分,ACT 21分,SAT 1060分 OR 2.5 GPA和委员会批准 $7,000
鹰奖学金 <2.5 GPA and >22 ACT/1100 SAT (committee approval required for admission) $6,000

*Students must be studying on the Fayette campus and enrolled full-time to receive a merit-based scholarship.

转学: For both domestic and international students: merit-based scholarships are based on the number of transfer hours and the student's cumulative GPA.


奖学金 最低要求 年度奖
大学奖学金 3.9 GPA + 24学时 $12,000
受托人的奖学金 3.5 GPA + 24学时 $10,000
校友奖学金 3.25 GPA + 24学时 $9,000
优秀学生奖学金 3.0 GPA + 24学时 $7,000
中央奖学金 2.5 GPA + 24学时 $6,000
转移奖学金 <2.5 GPA + 24学时(入学需要委员会批准) $5,000

*Students must be studying on the Fayette campus and enrolled full-time to receive a merit-based scholarship.


古尔斯塔德学者转学奖学金: The undergraduate Gulstad Scholars 转移奖学金 honors excellence by supporting outstanding community college students to transfer to and complete their bachelor's degrees at CMU in Fayette. 符合条件的学生必须是社区大学的在读学生, 即将毕业的二年级学生, 累积平均分是2分.4分,75分或更高.0 scale, and must meet the housing policy guidelines set forth in the CMU student handbook. 

离家近的大学: Central Methodist University Go Away to College Close to Home Program would offer a 50% tuition waiver to all non-cocurricular accepted Howard, Calloway, Camden, Cooper, Saline, Audrain, Randolph, Chariton, Moniteau, 蒙哥马利, Pettis, Morgan, Cole, Osage, Monroe, Ralls, 和布恩县. 该奖学金适用于至少获得2分的学生.平均绩点75分,成绩为A+. Students may live on campus or at home with their parent or guardian (Adhering to all CMU Housing policies). 此奖学金不能与CMU的其他奖学金同时提供.

海洋生物日: 在CMU的2024年春季海洋生物学日, 你可以了解所有你想知道的十大博彩平台我们发展最快和最受欢迎的专业之一, 海洋生物学. 除了, 你可以找到更多十大博彩平台我们的可堆叠的$5,000 scholarships for the best of the best -- Scuba Diving Student of the Day; Sea Urchin Student of the Day; and Greg Thurmon 海洋生物学 Student of the Day. From talks about SCUBA certification to the diving trips our students take, you'll learn it all. 你可以看看我们的海胆实验室,体验其他动手活动, 和现在的学生谈谈课程亮点,甚至是工作机会. 当我们宣布日期和注册截止日期时,请在9月初回来.

中央学者竞赛: The Central Scholars competition is an invitation only event for students in their senior year of high school. 学生的平均成绩必须不低于3分.75人被邀请参加. The competition is designed to recognize new traditional undergraduate students who exhibit high academic achievement and a service mindset. 最多两个鹰选全额学费奖学金(费用), housing and meal plan not included) and up to one Pre-Med Scholars 提供全额 scholarship will be awarded (living on campus is required for full tuition winners).

2024年中央学者竞赛将于2024年2月24日在校园内举行. 居住在密苏里州以外的学生可以要求虚拟参与.

中央达人秀奖学金比赛: 2月22日 2024. 中央达人秀是高年级学生的年度活动. 声乐比赛结束后将颁发两份全额奖学金, 仪器, 及表扬乐队. 请在下面注册CGT. 舞台的中心 表演和戏剧设计比赛将于2024年2月22日举行. 请在下面注册中心舞台. 我们将为每个类别的前三名获奖者颁发主要奖学金. 申请/注册, 学生可能会收到招生办公室的邀请参加比赛. 活动对家长和家庭开放. 他们提供了参观校园和了解经济援助的机会, 学生服务, 还有很多其他有用的信息. 注:全额奖学金获得者必须住校.



建立联盟几个10美元,000 rootED scholarships are available for graduating high school students and community college transfer students. root奖学金获得者可以通过与CMU的匹配安排获得双倍的资金. 候选人必须符合一定的资格,点击下面看看你的学校是否符合资格. 




来自东中央社区学院的社区学院转学生, 奥扎克技术社区学院, 州立公平社区学院, or Three Rivers Community College are eligible to apply if they meet certain qualifications: http://stlouisgraduates.academicworks.com/opportunities/3356

  • 做一名从密苏里州社区大学转学的学生, 计划在学士学位授予机构继续学习
  • 在过去五年内从密苏里州的乡村高中毕业吗
  • 计划在一所认可的非营利性学院或大学全日制学习
  • 至少挣了2个.累计平均绩点0
  • 证明经济需要, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or similar need calculations. 预期家庭捐款超过15美元的学生,000必须有重大和可减轻的情况才能被考虑.

联合卫理公会半学费奖学金: 才有资格获得联合卫理公会奖学金, a student must be an active United Methodist Church member in good standing with his or her local church for at least one year, 哪个必须由牧师核实. 牧师可以使用此表格进行验证. 请查看 联华电子网站 申请其他联华大学奖学金.

半学费奖学金将随着每学年学费的增加而增加. 学生必须有2分.5的累积GPA才有资格获得该奖项,并且必须保持在2.0保留. 联合卫理公会奖学金不能与CMU其他奖学金合并.

优秀毕业生奖学金: The Valedictorian 奖学金 recognizes Missouri resident graduating high school seniors that have achieved Valedictorian status. Students that are eligible may receive a renewable full tuition scholarship upon successfully completing this application and fulfilling the requirements to receive this award. 验证可以由高中辅导员使用此表格完成.

Phi Theta Kappa奖学金: 作为PTK成员的转学生可获得1,000美元奖学金. 学生必须保持2分.0 GPA.

格兰特:遗产 有家长的学生, 祖父母, 或者从CMU毕业的兄弟姐妹可能有资格获得1美元,000年格兰特. The 遗赠补助金表格 需要提交认证吗.

兄弟姐妹格兰特: Students who have a sibling currently enrolled at CMU may be eligible for a $1,000年格兰特.



这些奖学金颁发给参加CMU指定活动的学生. 奖学金的金额各不相同,需要面试, 面试, 或者找个合适的活动主管试一试, coach, 或者教职员工. 一个学生只能同时获得一项参与奖学金和学术奖学金. 大学体育奖学金不得与任何其他奖学金合并.

Participation scholarships are available in athletic and non-athletic areas and are evaluated for each student individually on a yearly basis.


Baseball Dance STUNT
男子篮球 eSports 田径运动员
女子篮球 Football 田径-女子
保龄球-男子 高尔夫-男子 排球
保龄球-女子 高尔夫-女子 摔跤-男子
越野赛-男子 足球-男子 摔跤-女子
越野-女子 女子足球
Cheer Softball


器乐 护旗队
声乐 学生的部
Theatre 敬拜的乐队


古尔斯塔德成就奖学金: The Gulstad Achievement 奖学金 is for students who want to study at one of CMU’s extended sites or online. 才有资格获得这项奖学金, 学生必须是全日制学生, 已完成CMU合作社区学院的副学士学位, 累积绩点为2分.4分,75分或更高.0 scale. 奖学金将分两个学期发放.  请浏览我们的 古尔斯塔德奖学金申请页面 了解更多.


CMU学术奖学金颁发给 全职(12-18hrs) incoming undergraduate CLAS students on the basis of a student's academic record of GPA and ACT scores. 2022年秋季生效, all institutional scholarships are used for tuition and fees except for varsity athletic scholarships not to exceed cost of attendance. Statewide/online students are eligible for CGES-only scholarships and are not eligible for Fayette campus institutional scholarships.

校友的慷慨, friends, 和教堂使中心有机会为我们的许多学生提供帮助. These Hall of Sponsors and Endowed 奖学金 underwrite most of the institutional scholarships that CMU awards. The institutional scholarship package that an incoming freshman or transfer student accepts prior to the beginning of the first school year with CMU is the scholarship that the student will receive for up to 10 semesters of matriculation at the University, 前提是他们保持奖学金所需的适当GPA. The exception to this statement is the amount of award a student can receive for participation in athletics or talent programs can be adjusted to reflect performance or participation.

如果援助是由第三方接受的,机构援助可能会减少. 半价学费学生, 提供全额, 或校队奖学金不符合任何其他机构奖学金的资格. Full-tuition scholarships and outside scholarships cannot exceed the cost of tuition for the academic year.

任何奖学金的变更或增加都需要在首次授予之前进行. Students must notify admissions, prior to being admitted, of any scholarship qualifications.

Students approved for off-campus living may only receive institutional awards totaling up to full tuition, 一般费用, up to $1,000英镑买书, 还有一份1美元的膳食计划,每学期减少的餐食计划.


*这个项目涉及到来自学生教会的配对支持, UMHEF, 参与联合卫理公会相关学校, 以及参与UMC会议的基金会.

Note: The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation has stated that some state conferences can choose whether to participate or be selective on the students receiving the match for the state Dollars 4 Scholars.


You may apply for both the General Named Endowed 奖学金 and UMDFS program through UMHEF and we will provide you with the largest scholarship support for which you qualify.

学生教会支持1美元,000(教会支票寄给UMHEF) UMHEF将匹配这1美元,000所参与联合卫理公会的学校将获得$1,000个参加UMC会议的基金会可提供最高1美元的资助,你的潜在UMDFS奖学金总额高达4美元,你必须每年申请一次才能获得每学年的奖学金

奖学金申请: http://umhef.org/scholarships/umdfs/
